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SEO Dictionary

HTTP Status Code

HTTP status code

301 redirect

Generally, when a URL of a website is changed, all links of that link are permanently re-orientated for the transfer of values.

302 redirect: 302 redirect

which means temporary routing, and is usually the answer code given when the site is being serviced. The original page will reopen after a specified time. Link transition with 302 redirection cannot be provided to the new page.

307 redirect

The 307 redirect is used for temporary routing when a resource or page is temporarily redirected to another resource, not permanent.

The 302 redirection is temporarily relocated to the 302 message, while the 307 temporarily sends a resend message.


400 Bad Request error is an HTTP status code that indicates that the request sent to the server is incorrect and the server cannot understand it.

401 unauthorised

Specifies that the request is not successful as that there is no valid authentication information for the target resource.

403 forbidden

The client should not repeat the request with the same credentials. The client can repeat the request with new or different credentials.

If the server wants to clarify that the request has not been met, the client should disclose the reason for the rejection.

If the server does not want to present this information to the client, it can use 404 status code instead of 403.

404 not found

Pages displayed when a user tries to reach a page that is not on the website and the 404 error code is called 404 error pages.

The 404 error pages must return 404 error codes so you can identify pages that don't work on your site, and search bots don't waste time browsing the error pages on your site and can easily discover your original pages.

500 server error

500 server error indicates that the server is experiencing a condition that prevents it from fulfilling the request.

A general error message given when a more suitable message is not found.

503 service unavailable

Indicates that the server cannot perform the request due to overload or maintenance.

The status code 503 also indicates that search engines will return shortly, as the page or site will only be unavailable for a short time.



Anchor text: Clickable links from a word or phrase in the content are called anchor text.

AMP:Accelerated mobile page (AMP) is a coding method that enables mobile pages to be opened faster by allowing pages to be specially validated by Google.

APP store optimisation(ASO): This section covers all of the work that covers the optimisation of mobile applications and ensures that the application stores are ranked high in the search results.

Average Visit Duration: is the data showing the average time spent on a website for each visitor's session



B2B : 'Business To Customer' is a type of transaction where the business directly conducts the transition with the customer.

B2C: In recent years, we can say that the most used e-commerce method is through B2C with businesses directly selling their products or services directly to customers through their websites.

Bounce rate:Bounce rate is a metric that represents the percentage of website visitors who leave the site without going to another page from the initial page they visit. High bounce rates indicate that visitors are leaving the site after spending not enough time on the site and not completing their intended action.


Call to aciton:Call to action is a term specifically relating to the content of the website.This term is used for phrase structures that encourage visitors to purchase or carry out a clear mobilising action.

Canonical:For pages with similar content or URL we create a ‘/‘ parameter e.g. for mobile version of standard pages in order to ensure that the pages are treat as a single URL.

Cloaking:The content presented to real users when they enter the pages is different to the content prepared for the Google bots.This is done by delivering content based on the IP addresses or the User-Agent HTTP header of the user requesting the page.

In the eyes of Google, it is aimed to get visitors from different keywords by entering anti-seo or non-normal content.

Content:All text contained in the site is defined as content.